Transformation Tuesday

I think about doing abs and a six pack appears….ok that isn’t entirely true but let’s just say it is easy for me to have a six pack. I am not bragging here - in fact I have struggled a lot with fitness and wellness but losing a bunch of weight is not my fitness journey. Listen you may think that because I am a twig things happen easily well - not necessarily true. You might think "oh but Elaina you were a track athlete you can run 'fast' anytime you want" … well this past summer and early fall I could not run. The stress of a job that I was at over 40 hours a week,  being a full time grad student, conducting research, and applying to jobs - my stress levels were so high I lost a lot of weight and literally STRUGGLED to run - it was frankly depressing because that is how I would normally relieve stress.  And if you are thinking “oh must be nice to lose weight without trying” then - no offense but you have no idea - A. it isn’t healthy , B. No - it doesn’t look good - I would rather fill out my jeans thank you very much !

This past November I did 21 day fix program with a challenge group through an app and drank shakeology - two things I thought and said I would NEVER do (I am old school with about fitness and nutrition)… well I learned to never say never! Having a strength program that I could do at home and stay accountable to a group I was in allowed gain back strength to run, and more dramatically - the shakes actually changed my life in such a positive way. I must have been deficient in some nutrient, vitamin, or mineral or my gut bacteria must have been very imbalanced because in about 5 days, I started to have so much more energy than I have had in so long. Then, after a couple of weeks my runs felt way better than they ever have! Now, I am finally running regularly again - it has been 9 years! #neversaynever #transformationtuesday
