Floundering in my 20's ?
So, this is very personal, and as a "high achiever" I feel incredibly vulnerable sharing this - however, I have a feeling many may relate and if I can help another person, at least one, not feel alone in this it is worth it.
Any other friends (especially those in their 20's and 30's) feel like they are floundering in some area of your life (or maybe all of them?). Yea, you could have a job, education, some place to live, a car... you know life is in actuality pretty damn good but you look around and maybe it isn't your dream job, a full-time job, or you are living where you don't want to live or at home with your parents, or you don't have the degree you want or you aren't married, homeowner with kids or one on the way like your peers. What are you doing? What did you work your ass off for? What is your life's purpose? How come you don't have all of this figured out? Uhhhh Yea, similar questions I ask myself all the time and feel, well ashamed of some of the answers, but why? Yea, I do work my ass off, and I am taking risks and being brave by becoming an entrepreneur, leaving a job to chase down my goals. Working on taking care of myself and doing things that make ME happy. I crushed my masters degree, and have a lot of skills to share! Why am I questioning myself?
Anyone else out there feel this way? Is it the comparison game? The scrolling through Facebook to see who else got engaged, married, or bought a house, landed their dream job, is traveling the world - game? Don't get me wrong - I am incredibly happy for these people, and I know I am not ready or desire those things in my life yet but it makes me question where I "should" be and want. I don't know if it is that for me but I sure do know that the feeling of floundering, the feeling of comparison to where I think I "should be" is not serving me. Why worry? You are probably doing better than you think you are...
On a crusade to end the "should be" feeling... who is with me?
What does any of this have to do with sport performance or fitness????
Well, everything. If you are focusing on people or other events outside of yourself or the present moment you are taking away from precious time thinking about things that are in your control and that serve you in a positive manner. Think about it ... if you are worried about how your stomach looks nothing like your favorite fitness-instagram blogger than you are not appreciating what you have, realizing where you are, thinking of positive solutions for yourself, or feeding yourself with positive thoughts that can help prime you for better experiences and opportunities. It is also why worrying about the opponent up next on beam really has nothing to do with you - you have no control over them - you need to focus on your own performance.
It is also about personal development and learning about yourself. To be your best self and to keep growing beyond where you have gone and what you have achieved before you need to grow as a person in order to make room for those new achievements. If you are focused on the present, if you are open to new perspectives you are open to new achievement. Letting yourself stew in stagnant water is not going to serve you for very long or at all ! In order to achieve higher heights you must be willing to grow yourself.
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