My personal coaching theory.

I want to share with you my personal coaching theory. This theory is incredibly important to me and it applies not only to sport and fitness but all areas of one's life. My philosophy revolves around a diamond. Why a diamond? Diamond is the strongest naturally occurring element on the planet. It is formed when molecules of carbon unite under pressure as opposed to falling apart. Those facts alone can teach us a valuable lesson, when you choose (and you have a choice) to be stronger, come together under stress and pressure you become stronger. Diamonds also are revered for their sparkle and shine! Diamonds reflect light, if you are someone reflecting light and positivity you are helping others as well as yourself! 
When coaching I believe in coaching a whole person, not just an athlete, or a runner, or a client, but the WHOLE person. Why? Because in order to grow and live a happy, healthy and productive life we must nurture all parts of ourselves: physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual. When you can become balanced and nurture the whole being, that is when change and progress can happen!
