Excuses are like...

... let's keep this PG here ... we have all heard the saying.

Friends, athletes, clients, and family members will come to me and say they want to do/be X,Y, Z. Whether it be lose weight, gain endurance (or as my dad says "build up my wind"), get toned "like I used to be", train for a marathon, run a 5k, maintain an exercise routine... you name it - people have asked me. Of course - I say "yes" I will help you! What are your goals? Then they tell me followed by (and in the same breath) a bunch of excuses and "whens". "Whens" are a type of excuse, examples:  I will when, it gets a little warmer out, I will when I move, I will after I finish this work project, I will after __insert lame excuse here___ . I think you get the point. If you are waiting for something to just happen it won't . If you are waiting for the perfect time to start - will you or will you just make another excuse? What is stopping you from taking action today, right now! 

Two big mistakes people make in taking on new goals of all kinds and especially fitness goals is assuming that they can just get results right away and assuming there is nothing more immediate they cannot do. For example, it's 10pm and you are sitting on your couch binge watching Netflix and your friends in a group text are starting to talk about a beach vacation they want to take and all you can think about how you would look right now in a bathing suit. You say to yourself ... I'll start on Monday because .... XYZ.  Monday comes and you don't know where to start, so that affords you another day because well you don't have a gym membership yet, and all your workout clothes are in the bottom of your dirty laundry and you need to get a new pair of trainers ... etc. etc. Excuses and procrastination.

Disclaimer: I have totally been here myself and struggled for years post-college getting in my own way! I feel you, and this is coming from a place of love!

I want to remind you that you can always take action NOW, there is so much power in the present! So back to the example of being "beach ready " (and by the way, it is about how you FEEL and how healthy you are not about the way you look, beauty truly does come in all shapes and sizes - but I will get off my soap box), I said you can start at 10 pm watching Netflix right? Yes, and here are some ways you can start right NOW:

1. Roll over grab a pen and piece of paper or open up the notes app in your phone and write down your goals, and where you are now compared to those goals. 
2. Figure out your time frame of where you are and when you want to accomplish those goals.
3. Plan - how are you going to get there and what do you need to do each day to get there

Time out: If this is too much thought during a Netflix binge (after all you are winding down for the night), or you don't know where to start - just set a reminder in your phone or set out a sticky note to call that trainer you met at the gym in the morning, google a trainer or a coach to reach out to, or email your friend that is always on top of her workout routines. 

The point is, there is always a decision to be made in the present moment that can bring you forward or help you stay where you are. No matter how small that decision or action is - if it is moving you forward it has the potential to grow into a big positive change (or if it is to stay where you are ... the same can happen or negative change may follow - you with me?). Ditch your excuses my friend, you don't need them because you have the power of the present and the power of choice!

Go forth and get jacked, healthy, and happy! 
