Silver and Goals
Goals Goals Goals
Goals are helpful tools we can use to achieve certain objectives in fitness, in health, in sport, in school, at work, in life, the list could go on. Did you know that there are several types of goals?
Types of Goals: Objective Goals, Subjective Goals, Outcome Goals, Performance Goals, Process Goals
Objective goals are those that focus on achieving a very specific, measurable, time-bound, task. Examples: By the end of April, I want to break 12.50s in the 100m dash. In three months I want to lose 15 pounds.
Subjective goals are just that. They are general statements that are not objective or measurable.Examples: I want to do well in soccer. I want to have fun losing weight.
Outcome goals are dependent on the result of something such as a race, a game, and are dependent on the performance of others . Examples: I want to win states. I want to do the most sit ups in gym class.
Performance goals are achieved by performing at a certain standard and are independent of the performance of others. goals. Process goals are also great when used during practice and can be adjusted as needed. Example: I want to run 10 seconds faster in the 3k by the end of the month.
Process goals are achieved by completing certain tasks used to perform well. Examples: Complete passes to teammates. Drive my right knee during take-off. Keep my back flat during leg lift core exercises.
Outcome, Performance and Process goals are all important tools. Outcome goals can provide great amounts of motivation before a competition. Performance goals are more precise and provide another motivational tool for an athlete, they play an even larger role in individual sports. However, during competition it is best to focus on process
Reference: Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2014). Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6E. Human Kinetics.
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