New year resolutions ...
New year resolutions ... damn. Something I really hate doing. It is that fear of failing and being in that limbo land of discomfort in order to get to that new goal that are scary. But why are they scary? Well, I guess they actually are not scary, we are just conditioned to be uncomfortable with being uncomfortable and that is enough to get in the way of doing what we want. In order to effectively create change we need to commit to rewiring our brains into new patterns of comfort and be comfortable with the inevitable discomfort that we will have to live through along the way. There IS a way to do this and even make it enjoyable - promise! 1. Idolize your why! Make sure you remind yourself WHY you are doing this and what it will feel like once you have accomplished it- how will you feel ? How will you walk about the world? 2. Enjoy the process and the little things along the way. YES, this is a must. In order to keep going when the going gets rough (and not quit), find the ...